The Day That Changed ATS – A Tepid Story

A Painful Revelation: The Need for Tepid Water in Safety Showers On a typical workday, our CEO, Richard Allred, was conducting a routine inspection at a large government facility. Experienced in handling hazardous chemicals, he was inspecting the chemical processing area when a pipe suddenly burst, spraying sulfuric acid in his direction. Despite the [...]

By |2024-05-10T19:38:35+00:00May 2nd, 2024|ANSI Standard, Editor's Picks|0 Comments

Exploring Air Supply Solutions for Mobile Safety Showers: A Guide for Engineers and Purchasing Agents

Introduction When it comes to ensuring the safety of your facility or job site, especially in environments where the risk of chemical exposure is a concern, safety showers are non-negotiable. But what often puzzles engineers and purchasing agents alike is the question of powering these essential devices. The topic of whether to rent an air [...]

By |2024-02-22T23:47:40+00:00February 22nd, 2024|Editor's Picks, Mobile Safety Showers, Rental Costs, Rentals|0 Comments

Pneumatic Pumps in Mobile Safety Showers: A Shield Against Low-Probability, High-Impact Events

In the realm of industrial safety, the principle of preparedness is foundational, guiding the implementation of systems and protocols designed to mitigate risks and protect workers. At ATS ShieldSafe, this principle is central to our decision-making process, particularly in the choice of utilizing pneumatic pumps for our mobile safety showers. While the most common [...]

By |2024-02-20T23:56:28+00:00February 20th, 2024|Editor's Picks, Mobile Safety Showers, Rentals|0 Comments

The Hidden Dangers of Evaporative Coolers in Cool-Down Trailers: A Closer Look at Legionnaires’ Disease Risk

Fair disclosure: ATS ShieldSafe does not use evaporative cooling in our cool-down trailers. This article outlines some of the reasons why we do not. We believe that the risk of infectious disease to workers is too great. There is no question that this article is biased by our product design choices. In the quest for [...]

By |2024-01-23T22:02:42+00:00January 23rd, 2024|Cool-Down Trailers, Editor's Picks, Rentals|0 Comments

The Hidden Safety Risk at Construction Sites: The Crucial Role of Mobile Safety Showers

Introduction Construction sites are crazy-busy with activity and often involve the use of various hazardous chemicals. In such environments, the risk of accidental spills or exposure to harmful substances is always present. This is where the importance of a mobile safety shower becomes evident. In this blog post, we'll explore how mobile safety showers are [...]

By |2024-01-18T00:22:13+00:00January 17th, 2024|Editor's Picks, Rental Costs|0 Comments

Renting Dilemma: How Do You Know?

Introduction It is a surprisingly complex decision: whether to rent or buy equipment. This dilemma is common in various industries, especially when considering Mobile Safety Showers or other specialized equipment. I've faced this quandary myself when deciding whether to rent or buy a grinder from one of the home improvement centers. My experience with [...]

By |2024-01-18T00:22:08+00:00January 17th, 2024|Editor's Picks, Rental Costs|0 Comments

Mobile Safety Shower Use Cases

Remotely or Short-Term Protection Industries operating remotely or involved in short-term projects with chemicals, fuels, and acids require mobile safety showers due to unique safety concerns may require mobile safety showers. In these environments, fixed safety showers are often absent, endangering workers to chemical exposure. Mobile safety showers offer swift decontamination right where needed, [...]

By |2024-01-18T00:22:03+00:00January 17th, 2024|Editor's Picks, Mobile Safety Showers, Rentals|0 Comments
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